Friday, December 5, 2008

Prayer Request

Hello all,
I am dedicating this post to my cousin Kate and her Husband Randy. I would like to ask you all for your prayers. Randy is suffering from an autoimmune disease called Scleroderma. Randy has been suffering from this disease for about three years now. My ealier posts have more information). He had some experimental procedures done at Duke University. He did well for a while after these were done and was continuing to recover at home. However things are not going well for Randy a this time and he could really use all of our love, support and prayers. I believe in the power of prayer and this fine young 26 year old man deserves a miracle!! He has a loving caring wife who is working her tail Off to be a house wife/mother (to their one year old son)/provider (since randy is unable to work), and caretaker to her husband. She is doing her very best to "hold it together" for her family, emotional wise and needs some support and prayers.
Randy is the kind of man that would give the shirt off his back in a blizzard to someone he doesn't even know if they were in need of it!! He is kind, gentle, caring, loving and just an all around good person. It breaks my heart to see him go through this. He is in constant pain all the time and can't really take his meds anymore because of the side effects or just because the disease won't allow him to!
So please I ask of all my blog readers, friends and family please keep Kate, Randy and their son Alek as well as all of the other family members involved (randys parents and sibling, and Kates parents and siblings etc.) in your deepest warmest prayers!! Thank you all so much!! I will end with a prayer,

Dearest Jesus, please heal this wonderful man from his suffering and allow him to live his life with no more pain or sickness. He is a kind and gentle soul in need of your loving touch. Bless him and his family as they continue on this horrendous journey. Be with them always and guide them through this difficult time. In Jesus name Amen.

p.s. for anyone who would like to read my cousins blog about their journey, there is a link to the right called "a family in need" or you can go to
Feel free to leave NICE OR SUPPORTING comments for them to read. Randy does read the blog when he can or sometimes Kate will read the comments to him if he is to sick to read them. Also feel free to send this on to others that you know who might be willing to add a prayer or leave them a comment also.
NO MEAN COMMENTS YA'LL OR I'LL HAVE TO KICK YOUR BOOTIE!! Not that any of you will, but they have had some pretty crude comments left by unsupportive people and it only brings them down. Believe me they are down enough right now and don't need anything to make that worse. Thanks again!!


Unknown said...

What a beautiful prayer. We are all praying for Randy, Kate and Alek. I know that they could use all the prayers and support we can give, so lets just stop for a second and send up a prayer for this wonderful, loving, caring and brave family. They have traveled many miles in their shoes this last year and could use someone to pick them up and give them a lift. Lets all get together and pick them up with our prayers and our love!!
Mom & Mark

Kristi Steeger said...

Thanks for keeping us updated on them Tera. We are praying for God's protection and guidance and strength. You are such a prayer warrior for them, Tera! God is using you!!! All our love...