Friday, December 5, 2008

One more prayer request

Ok, I know the next post down is also a prayer request but this one is for my little Ava who will be having surgery on Dec. 15th. Ava has what they call "kissing tonsils". In other words her tonsils are so large that they are almost touching!! This has caused her to have trouble sleeping because she not only snores but at times almost stops breathing. She also is having some speech problems because they are so big that when she talks it sounds like there is a giant ball in her throat. Sometimes I have to ask her two or three times what she said because I can't understand her.
So I ask you to just keep her in your thoughts and prayers as she goes through this. I will be spending the night with her in the hospital and will keep everyone posted as to how she does!! thank you all!!!

1 comment:

Kristi Steeger said...

We are praying for you Ava!!