Sunday, January 11, 2009

In Loving Memory...

I am sad to tell you that my cousins husband Randy passed away on Tuesday January 6th at 1:07pm. He had been fighting Scleroderma for two and a half years. Randy leaves behind his loving Wife (my cousin ) Kate as Well as his 1 year old son Alek. Please keep my cousin Kate in your prayers! She is having a very difficult time and needs all your prayers. The link to her blog is on the side margin of my blog. It is called
"A family in need" or Kate and Randy. I can't remember which name it is under. When you get to her blog the title will be "One Day At A Time". Please feel free to leave her some encouraging words of support. Thank You.

1 comment:

Kate, Alek, Hank, and Cash (RIP RED) said...

Thank you Tera fr your time, love, help, and prayers during the last 10 days. I could not have done all of this without you and Randy would be do grateful and thankful for you helping me nad giving me omfort and strength. I hope to see you really soon and miss you a ton
Love ya