Monday, July 14, 2008


OK, so I decided to get a tattoo to cover up the thumper one I had done when i was 18. I had this one done on my lower belly not even thinking about the possibility of ever having children and well.....let's just say, thumper no longer looks like thumper!!!
I really wanted a dragonfly because well, I LOVE THEM!! Unfortunately he could not do it where thumper was because of all the different colors, he thought maybe with the lighter colors thumper would seep through, so I decided to have it on my lower back. The stars that you see represent the birthstone colors of Kaleb (orange), Ava and Abby (pink) mine green and Rob's well I didn't know the color of his so we looked in a book and still could not find the color but it did say that a Gemini's color is yellow, so his is the yellow one.
I have found a symbol that I am going to have done where thumper is. SO STAY TUNED!! HAHA!!

1 comment:

greg & kristi + two said...

I was telling someone about your thumper tatoo a bit ago....LOL!! I was wondering how it held up after 3 babies. :) :) I like the new one! You are brave. I could never!!! :)